[ltr]The doctrine has great importance in the life of the Muslim human being the right of Islam, including: All the messengers carried the message of monotheism and called for the correct belief, and this is what was confirmed by the various Quranic verses, and the interpretation was written after it. God created His servants to worship Him and unify the divinity , know more in our Aqeedah Course[/ltr]

[ltr]and this can only be achieved through establishing a true and sound belief that the believers follow. Acceptance of deeds on behalf of God is linked to the factor of monotheism for the servant, and the perfection of the work is one of the perfection of monotheism. Deliverance in the Hereafter depends on the proportion and validity of the belief,[/ltr]

[ltr]and this is what takes us to the necessity of learning the Islamic faith in its correct form. The doctrine clarifies and defines the relationship between the servant and his Lord, in terms of knowledge, monotheism, and worship, and this can only be done by fear of him, a feeling of watching him, evoking his greatness, piety in his closeness, repentance to him and asking for forgiveness from him, and this is the least duty of our Lord, Majesty, who created us in the most complete way. He provided us on land and sea, and preserved and looked after us. The basis of happiness in this world is knowledge of God, and the need for him in every small and great thing[/ltr]

[ltr]so there is no rest or tranquility, except in proximity to God, belief in his lordship, his divinity, and knowledge of his names and qualities. The doctrine answers all questions that occur to human beings, including the beginning and end of the world, the characteristic of the Creator, the worlds in this universe, predestination and fate, and other questions. The Holy Qur’an focused on the doctrine, clarifying and clarifying, confirming and correcting, and the noble Prophet’s Sunnah came explaining the doctrine and calling the Classical Arabic Course for it.[/ltr]

[ltr] Sound belief is the cause of victory and success in this world and deliverance from the fire in the Hereafter, so adhering to his belief and faith are among the safe kept with the preservation and care of God. And they are. " The doctrine is the first barrier to not falling into sin, and the protector of worldly pleasures and taboos. In summary from the above: It indicates that the first rule of Islam is the belief, its knowledge and its correct application. The Almighty said in Surat Al-Kahf: And to those before you, because you joined so that your work would frustrate you, and that you would be among the losers.[/ltr]